
At Bluegrass, we create powerful experiences that nurture an individual’s abilities to make smart choices and build great relationships. We believe that entertainment must be rejuvenating and elevating. A person that experiences excellence is unlikely to get tempted by mediocrity. A human being that experiences sophisticated entertainment is unlikely to indulge in frivolity. We aim to sharpen the life skills that enhances the ability of pupils to make smart choices & build great relationships.

2 Vaidvadi, Gondal Road, Rajkot
BlueGrass / Value System

Value System

Our flagship program, the Value System Workshop, focusses on developing ethics and enhancing moral character. The workshop spans between 8-12 sessions and aims to build a strong foundation for participants, shaping them into ideal human beings. Through conscious-based activities and discussions, we endeavour to instil important values, help children understand the significance of ethical decision-making, and build a strong character.

A personal value system is a set of principles or ideals that drive and guide your behaviour. Your personal value system gives you structure, backbone, and purpose by helping you determine what is meaningful and important to you. It helps you express who you are and what you stand for. This workshop re-kindles your internal fire of your personal values. It helps you identify your own value system and gives you tools to sharpen and practice your best possible values.

This workshop endeavours to resolve internal dilemmas resulting from clashes of ideologies within. It includes stories, worksheets, activities, role plays, games, quizzes and ultimately presenting your own stories.

This workshop is designed to bring the best out of each and every individual.